House Prices in the Neighbourhood of Windsor Grove, Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle, SK8 6HZ

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    Search All Details for Your Postcode

    Area TypeUrban major conurbation
    Area DetailsWindsor Grove, Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle, SK8 6HZ
    WardCheadle Hulme South
    Local AuthorityStockport
    CountyGreater Manchester
    RegionNorth West
    Explore Area Information in Detail

    SK8 6HZWindsor Grove0 km2023    
    SK8 6HYMoorland Drive0.04 km2023    
    SK8 6HXHeathbank Road0.09 km2023    
    SK8 6JLWashington Close0.09 km2023    
    SK8 6EQSouthdown Crescent0.14 km2023£615K   
    SK8 6JNVirginia Chase0.18 km2023    
    SK8 6EJMeadows Road0.2 km2023    
    * The above table shows nearest postcodes to Postcode SK8 6HZ

    This post uses data covering the transactions received at Land Registry. Data produced by HM Land Registry © Crown copyright.