House Prices in the Neighbourhood of Junior House, Myton Road, Warwick, CV34 6XW

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    Area TypeUrban city and town
    Area DetailsJunior House, Myton Road, Warwick, CV34 6XW
    WardWarwick Myton & Heathcote
    Local AuthorityWarwick
    ConstituencyWarwick and Leamington
    RegionWest Midlands
    Explore Area Information in Detail

    CV34 6XWMyton & Heathcote0 km2023    
    CV34 6PLMyton & Heathcote0.1 km2023    
    CV34 6UEMyton & Heathcote0.14 km2023    
    CV34 6PPMyton & Heathcote0.14 km2023    
    CV34 6LQMyton & Heathcote0.14 km2023    
    CV34 6PAMyton & Heathcote0.22 km2023    
    CV34 6PQArchery Fields0.24 km2023    
    CV34 6PFThe Templars0.35 km2023    
    CV34 6SDMyton & Heathcote0.35 km2023    
    CV34 6PRMyton Road0.4 km2023    
    CV34 6YLMyton & Heathcote0.44 km2023    
    CV34 6DWMyton & Heathcote0.45 km2023    
    * The above table shows nearest postcodes to Postcode CV34 6XW

    This post uses data covering the transactions received at Land Registry. Data produced by HM Land Registry © Crown copyright.